Application and office integration

DocuPortal is not an add-on to any program but integrates into your workstation. Hence you browse your data stock in lightning-speed. Moreover, DocuPortal is not restricted to the Windows office package but can be run with any application that provides the “open” and “save” dialogue. Due to the fact that you may use our program on- and offline this program is especially suitable for sales force or for companies having several locations.

Digital files

Having a fast access to all relevant information is indispensable for a quick and good service towards your customers. Digital files provide this service. Gather any information in a digital way and make them available for your employees. You will not only save time and material but can also fix, who may view the contents with the help of access rights. In addition you can set shortcuts to other related contents. Using structural templates saves time and ensures the equability of your folders.

Digital document processing

The digital document processing allows a comprehensive handling of information. Beside the document you store any additional information like for instance technical data, explanatory notes, etc. The escalation function prevents you from missing important deadlines. And all actions taken by an employee can always be retraced through the versioning and the history of a content.

Document management

An efficient document management saves a lot of time in your compay. Above all, a well structured storeage of your files is useful in this regard. Categories and keywords represent an additional tool for clever storing and finding contents.Duplicates of contents are avoided by our software. The clear arrangement of the files guarantees a fast working on them.  More about document management


Our DocuPortal Outlook client is made for exporting and archiving your E-mails including their appendixes into your DocuPortal. You can either shift or store the appendixes depending on what you want to do. You will thus relieve your E-mail server and be able to use the search in the DocuPortal. According to the access rights, your employees may view or edit the imported files, as well.

Long-term archiving

DocuPortal does also serve as an archive. If you have to keep a document for a certain time you just define retention periods and store the respective content in the archive. In case you need the content again, just restore it out of the archive back to your live system. In addition our program offers an internal authenticity check with the help of which you can verify, whether the content is still in its original state.

Quality management

A lot of our customers use our software for their quallity management. Our software complies with the ISO 9001 guidelines. You can retrace all your previous business processes at any time and of course handle those ones to come. Notifications can be set as easily as escalation terms.

Search in key company data

Searching for relevant data is frequently a time-killing necessarity that can hardly be avoided. DocuPortal assists you in this respect by different search functions. Depending on the way you are used to work you can either use the full text search or define search queries. The search results will be displayed including a file preview, no matter what kind of file it is. Several hundred different formats can be displayed. If you want to  restrict the search result to a special value, you can easily create a search query and freely define the searching for e.g. attributes, keywords, properties or other additional meta data.

What’s behind our solution and what does our program look like?